Gratitude and
15,000 Thank Yous Every Day
15,000 Thank Yous Every Day
In a world full of pain and fear, I have learned that being grateful for the tens of thousands of blessings the Lord sends every day keeps me bouyed to Him.
Before I begin my blog post proper, I want to tell you something that the Lord did for me as I was preparing this post. I've been really struggling with the fact that our dog is on her way to heaven. She hasn't left us yet, but it's coming pretty close. And as many can testify to, it's a real hard thing to go through. Now! having said that, in my quiet time this morning, I told Jesus that I was pressing into Him and needed to press in harder, until I have pressed myself right into Him. I told Him I was lacking joy. I have decided to share the first book I ever wrote. It's my own personal story of "Who I Was" and "Who I Have Become." And when I started looking through the book, I was overcome with tenderness! The Lord was pointing out things I hadn't thought about in ages and I was suddenly filled with joy! Jesus is such a good friend! And now.... Here's my blog post! No Guilt, No Shame This is what I used to believe: when I was a little child, I used to believe that Jesus was God, that he came to die for my sins, and that he was resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven. I still believe this.
But I also believe that, although he loved me, he could be ashamed of me. I could do things that would make him really sad and maybe even frustrated with me. It was as if I could feel Jesus frowning down on me when I lied to my parents, yelled at my kids or didn't do some thing I said I would. I would bear that shame and feel awful about it. I figured this was part of the Christian experience, that, as I grew in Christ, I would hopefully make fewer and fewer of these mistakes. But even if I didn't, I was assured of a place in heaven, where I would never send again. I don't believe that anymore. Now I understand that she is this is death and resurrection mean that my heavenly father doesn't see the times a screw up; if I lose my patience or fall short of my goal. Because of Jesus, I am perfect in my father's eyes. When he looks at me, he sees the completed work of Jesus in my life! There is now NO CONDEMNATION. Not only am I not condemned, but I am acquitted of all my wrong actions and thoughts. I am found not guilty! Every single time! Nothing, NOTHING change the way, the father sees me. THAT IS THE WORK OF THE CROSS! THAT IS THE WORK OF THE EMPTY TOMB! Some may say, "So, if God doesn't see the simple things we do, what's the incentive to live a pure life? Why not continue to sin if the father never sees it? " Here's my answer: When I truly understood what scripture says about how the father sees me, I wanted to serve him even more! That the kind of love, that chooses to see the sacrifice of the perfect lamb. Instead of the times I screwup, leads me to want to be more and more perfect in my every day life. And the pressure is off! I will work hard at doing what is right, according to scripture, not because of how the father sees me, but because of how good the father is to me! Two Corinthians 5:15: (New International Version) And he died for all, that those who Live should no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them, and was raised again. Verse 17 when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him, and said, "I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully, and be blameless. What did god mean when he commanded Abram to walk faithfully and be blameless? God had been walking with Abram and knew he was not a perfect man. He saw his struggles with right and wrong, and saw when he failed. So how could God command him to be blameless? This covenant was made after Abrams, huge bungle in Egypt when he gave his wife away, saying she was his sister out of fear for his life. God had already promised him a great nation from his seed, but still, after such a flagrant lack of faith, God still sort covenant with him, and told him he would be seen as blameless. His sins were not held against him. He was completely forgiven, as if he had never sinned. Just like us! This covenant was consecrated with blood. All covenants are, in one way or another. And through that consecration, God told Abram that he would be seen as blameless all the days of his life, as long as he walked in faithfulness. That's what the New Testament tells us about our relationship with God. Were there times, when Abram made foolish mistakes, of course! But even in fear, driven wrong decision making, he never doubted God's goodness. And there you have it; the first chapter of a book I published in 2019. For a while, my posts will be chapters from the book. I hope they bless you.
Judy GoddardMusings of a Saved Confessed Eccentric. Archives
July 2024
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